Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Bobcat JV Squad designated Camp Champs

The Orangefield Bobcat Junior Varsity Cheerleaders finished off their week at cheer camp recently, claiming the Camp Champs Award.

Held at Texas A&M University, the summer camp was attended by both the varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders. The gathering of teens gives the girls the opportunity to hone their skills, learn new routines and make new friends.

Both squads brought home several awards.

All Star status was bestowed on the varsity mascot, Jennifer Garrison, along with the Leadership Award, which is the highest award given by other participants. Individual Merit Awards were presented to Maci Haley, Valen Johnson, Jessica Eatman, Lauren Perkins and Mariah Stanley. Superior ratings were bestowed on the varsity squad for both their squad cheer and dance routines.

The junior varsity’s stars shined bright claiming three All Star spots by cheerleaders Jessica Shoemaker, Briana Graffagnino and Hannah Walles. JV mascot, Jayce Greer was also awarded All Star status and received a Superior ribbon. Individual Merit Awards were presented to Kasidy Hayes, Robin Davis, Lexi Bonin and Jayce Greer. The squad was declared Camp Champs and also received Superior ribbons for their Squad Cheer and Dance routine.

Sponsors for the group are Ms. Christin Hamerly and Ms. Annie Rutledge.


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