Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Orange Police Beat

Officers from the Orange Police Department responded to the following calls between March 21, and the morning of March 22:

Assist public, 624 Lilac

Warrant service, 29th and Park/1100 block 17th St.

Warrant service, 201 8th St.

Traffic accident, 3200 N. 16th St.

Traffic accident, Cordrey and 10th St.

Traffic accident, 509 Crepe Myrtle

Possession of synthetic narcotic, 305 Burton

Warrant service, 6th and Hart

Possession of marijuana/obstruct police, 1st and Pine

Damaged property, 225 Schley

Warrant service, 16th and Chapman

Warrant service, 15th and Barkins

Warrant service, Norwood and Cross Ln.


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