Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Kiwanis Club of Orange, Texas names Leadership/Scholarship Award Winners

The Kiwanis Club of Orange, Texas established the Q.B. Culpepper Leadership Award in honor of Mr. Culpepper, a founder of the Kiwanis Club of Orange, Texas. He was Superintendent of the Mauriceville School District from 1931 until 1940. After going into business for himself, he spent hundreds of hours working to establish Key Clubs at both Little Cypress-Mauriceville and West Orange-Stark high schools.

Ben Culpepper, son of Q.B., was a longtime member and leader of the Kiwanis Club of Orange. Ben was also active in the Texas/Oklahoma District of the Kiwanis organization. He worked for years to support Key Clubs at both West Orange-Stark and Little Cypress-Mauriceville high schools and had four children go through the West Orange-Cove School District.

The Q.B. Culpepper Leadership Award is annually given to an LCM senior and the Ben Culpepper Leadership Award is given to a WOS senior. Each of these awards carry a $1,000 scholarship.

The scholarships are awarded to current senior Key Club members at their respective high schools who:

· Exhibit leadership

· Practice involvement in school

· Serve others in the community

· Display positive character traits

· Has proven to be a conscientious student

This year’s Ben Culpepper Leadership Award went to WOS senior Kiasia Wilson, who plans to study nursing after graduation.

Amber Lester, who received the Q.B. Culpepper Leadership Award plans to study veterinary medicine.

The Kiwanis Club of Orange, Texas is very proud of these two and other seniors in Orange County who have made it through a rough year and persevered to pursue their goals.

Attached photos

Kiasia Wilson and Amber Lester


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