Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


Monday the FBI searched Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida home. The search, according to multiple people familiar with the investigation, approved to be focused on material that Trump had brought with him to Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence, when he left the White House. Those boxes contained many pages of classified documents. Trump delayed returning 15 boxes of material requested by officials with the National Archives for many months. The FBI would have needed to convince a judge that it had probable cause that a crime had been committed to get a search warrant, and proceeding with a search on a former president’s home would almost surely have required signoff from top officials at the bureau and the Justice Department. Aides to President Joe Biden said they were stunned by the development and had learned of it from Twitter. Trump has been the focus of questions asked by federal prosecutors in connection with a scheme to send “fake” electors to Congress for the certification of the Electoral College. FBI Director Christopher Wray was appointed by Trump. The law governing the preservation of White House materials, the Presidential Records Act, lacks teeth, but criminal statues can come into play. Criminal codes prohibit anyone who “willfully” and unlawfully conceal, removes, mutilates, obliterates or destroys” government documents, violation carries jail time. Items in the boxes included documents, mementos, gifts and letters. The archives did not describe the classified material it found other than to say that it was “classified national security information.” Trump and the GOP will attempt to cash in on the FBI legal search of Mar-a-Lago. Trump has been milking the cash cow for 8 to 10 million a month. He will now claim how mistreated he is by the FBI and will press his working stiffs to send more money. He brought all of this on himself. He had 19 months to return the classified information that he should not have hauled off in the first place.


10 Years Ago-2012

Doug Manning, assistant county attorney, recently returned from a mission trip to Central Honduras. During the days he was there the group built and put a roof on an adobe church, rescued a woman who was living at the dump and held vacation bible school.*****Former Bridge City police chief Joey Hargrave graduated recently after completing the LVN program. He will start working on a RN in June. Nice work Joey.*****Longtime Orange and Bridge City resident, Dan Barker, turns 80. He will celebrate with friends and family his becoming an octogenarian at a community reception Saturday, Aug. 25, at First Baptist Church, 200 W. Roundbunch in Bridge City.***One of the great guys, tall Texan and former lawman Tucker Clayton, turns 91 on Aug. 21. Now there’s a guy that would do to ride the range with.***Aug. 21 is also the day our former editor, Robert Hankin, died back in 2010.*****Don and Shirley Marshall are celebrating their wedding anniversary on Aug. 19. They have been married 55 years.******AWARD FOR THE BEST NATIONAL SMILES. Magic Johnson, Gabby Douglas and President Barrack Obama. Their smiles are contagious. You smile with them.*****Monday was “Lefties” Day. I finally figured out why this office always seems to be going backwards. On “Lefties” Day I found out that several staff members in The County Record office are left-handed: Nicole, Chris, Debbie and Penny.

20 Years Ago-2002

Bae Association recommends second court-at-law for Orange County. A second county court-at-law would help deal with a backlog of more than 8,000 pending criminal cases. They claim the bar made them pitch the plan to Commissioners Court to explore the possible benefits. It would be up to the state legislature to create a second court. (Editor’s note: The court was created and Troy Johnson has been its only judge. From all reports over the years, Judge Johnson has and is doing a good job. No one is complaining about a backlog of cases.)*****Celebration birthdays are David Fusilier, Butch Holbrooks, Jacob Worster and Monty Eshbach. (Editor’s note: That’s a pretty good hand to draw.)*****Coach Claude Gilstrap, 88, who was AD and head football coach at UTA, died Aug. 9. In 26 seasons his record was 162-88-9. Attorney H.D. Pate was recruited from Austin High School by Gilstrap and was a three year starter. Pate attended his funeral.*****Roy Dunn writes about the hurricane season and speculates that a direct hit on Sabine Lake could put Bridge City under Sabine Lake water all the way to the Interstate.” (Editor’s note: A few years later, that came to pass with Ike.)*****A group of golfers from Orange ventured to Abbeville for a golf tournament and a night of partying. Pauline Wimberly, an excellent golfer, had the misfortune of having Louis Dugas as a partner. J.C. Trahan, an Abbeville native, served as ambassador and golfed with wife Dixie. Judge Claude and 20 others from Sunset Grove Country Club attended.

45 Years Ago-1977

The Orange County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo is scheduled

for Friday and Saturday at arena on Highway 105. The shows

are being dedicated to Sam Lucia Jr. and Walter Carey, both former longtime members. Their families will be special

guests. Rodeo activities are being headed by Bruce Patillo,

chairman, Melvin Hogan, area director and Betty Jo Spence, Posse president.*****County Court at Law Judge Grover Halliburton ill not be a candidate for the post he now holds. His present term will expire Dec. 31, 1978. He was appointed to the post after Judge David Dunn vacated it to accept an appointment to the 163rd District Court. Gov. Dolph Brisco appointed Dunn after the resignation of Judge Fred Trimble. Halliburton was within a few days of being appointed to the now created 260th District Court when he withdrew his name from consideration. Don Burgess, a Bridge City attorney and former assistant county attorney, announced his candidacy for the judgeship of the newly created 260th District Court. Burgess came to Orange in 1972 and in 1973, worked in the office of District Attorney Louis Dugas. In April, 1975, District Attorney Jim Sharon Bearden named him first assistant.*****On August, 16, Elvis Presley dies in his bathroom while sitting on the pot reading a book. (Editor’s note: His home Graceland, in Memphis, Tenn., is the second most visited house today behind only the White House. Elvis was only 42 years old.) *****Donald Harmon, a 1974 graduate of LC-M, recently graduated from Notre Dame University in record time. The achievement of obtaining a degree in just three years at N.D. is considered almost impossible. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmon of Orange.*****After eight years of courting, Al McKay has taken Pam Budge for his wife. Al is known for not rushing into anything, but eight years is a little much. (Editor’s note: Al started and operated Bridge City Cablevision. He died at age 42 after selling the cable company and becoming a millionaire.)*****The new record albums are out. Elvis Presley’s “Moody Blue” features a lot of J.D. Summer and the Stamps. Another album, “To Lefty from Willie” has great Frizzel songs done in Willie Nelson style. Also the album called “Fats Domino” is Fats at his best.


Chief Wilson Roberts, longtime law enforcement officer, is still in ICU. He is listed as critical but stable. He is hooked up to several tubes including one down his throat. He never before had problems with his kidneys but is now on dialysis three times a week. He still can’t communicate, eat or drink. His wife V.J. has been by his side and asks for your continued prayers. She, nor Wilson, have relatives in the area and at some point may need help.


The Bridge City Chamber pulled off another successful "roast" of a local celebrity, this time County Judge John Gothia, who jumped into politics after retiring from a job that allowed him time for lots of community service. The chamber's committee to organize the roast was chaired by Kirk Roccaforte, who is now Precinct 3 Orange County Commissioner. He was the last chamber "roastee" back in 2015 when he was Bridge City mayor. He's also the BC chamber's president-elect. Former Bridge City Councilor Lucy Fields was co-chair of the committee, with other members Eric Andrus, Rani Dillow, Trista Leonard, Christi Reese, Candace Mulhollan, Patrick Brekel, and Mandy Lyda.*****Bridge City power couple Mayor David Rutledge and wife Becky, who is a BISD trustee, attended and appeared to enjoy all the pre-roast visiting. *****No big community gathering is complete without vehicle mogul Al Granger, who sponsored a table for his Team Granger. Stephen Lea, who now lives in Beaumont, showed Orange County is still in heart by attending. Of course he's head of the Southeast Texas group of First Financial Banks, which also sponsored a table. Robert Currie and his Innovative Air was another sponsor and had guests at his table that included Jody Chesson and Adam Conrad. Jody was looking spiffy with a navy blue sports jacket with white polka dots.*****If there's anything in Bridge City, look for County Treasurer Christy Khoury. She enjoyed the social hour, but also was doing some behind-the-scenes chores for the event. Stephanie Roberts had her usual smile and enthusiasm, even though she's going through one of life's tough times right now.***** Ross and Eva Smith were among the bidders taking home silent auction items. They got a framed flag. Some of the popular bidding items for the men were team championship ring replicas. Bling is a man's best friend.*****The next night, Friday, the Greater Orange Chamber of Commerce held another fundraiser. This was bingo to win designer purses and was held at the county expo center. Robert Currie and Innovative Air sponsored a table again. His wife Mindy had fun along with Terri Childs, wife of Orange City Councilor Brad Childs.The next night, the Childs were off to Pine Tree Lodge for live music by Bayou Rush.*****Becky Trahan, wife of Commissioner Johnny, was another double partier with both chamber events. Of course daughter, physical therapist Cody Tant, was along for the fun.***** Ida Schossow was at both. How could she not? She was a featured roaster in Bridge City and as president of the Orange chamber, was running things. Other faces in the crowd included Cindy Claybar and Christi Moerbe.*****Gary Stelly may not have the radio station to talk on, but he's still in demand as the No. 1 Master of Ceremonies in all of Orange County. He emceed both chamber events and drew big laughs. Lots of wine went down for the cause that night, but we haven't learned who went home with Michael Kors and Louis Vuitton.*****Interstate 10 is always busy, but it must have been solid traffic from Orange to Houston and NRG Stadium for the big Garth Brooks concert. As someone local asked, "Am I the only one in town who didn't go?"*****New Bridge City ISD Police Chief Cliff Hargrave made the trek for the legendary artist. Other Bridge City residents in the humongous crowd included Brandi Griggs, Adam Conrad, and Jody Chesson. Kim and Paul Dickerson were also there.*****LOOKING BACK: This week, on August 10, our friend Judge Joe Parkhurst celebrated his birthday. He left us way too young, at age 77.*****A year ago, on August, 11, 2021, Kerrie Lee Dunn passed away. She was Dr. Amber and Jenna Dunn’s mom. She left seven grandchildren.***** On August 15, 1765, the Cajuns were exiled from Nova Scotia.*****Two of your biggest stars in their field died August 16. Elvis, age 42, died in 1977, Babe Ruth, age 52, died in 1948.*****We hear that our friend Robert Ramirez, who has had share of sickness, caught COVID for the second time, was very sick and now in recovery just in time for the opening of Robert’s Restaurant and Meat Market. Restaurant is open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Robert’s still features the best quality, custom cut, beef in the area.*****It’s back to school this week for Orange County schools. Most start on Aug. 10. Deweyville will be the last to start on August 22. Lots of luck to all teachers and students.


A few folks celebrating birthdays in the next few days. Aug. 10: Celebrating today are Max Powell, Timmy Bryd, Bill Loyd, Jason Broussard, Rosa Molina, Leslie Smith, Bree Anne Collins. *****Aug. 11: Kim Pelloat, Olivia Satir, Morgan Taylor have birthdays today.*****Aug. 12: Tracey Miguez, Windee Jenkins, Jared Sleeman are a year older today.*****Aug. 13: Celebrating are Clint Landry Hilary Walker, Melissa Cox, Ken Phelps, Aaron MacCammond, Lyn Goodwin and Monty Eshbach.*****Aug. 14: Happy Birthday to Diane Justice, Kevin Berry, Bill Triggs.*****Aug. 15: Tiffany Schlicher, Kristie Gunn, Brandi Arnold, Mandy Lyda celebrate. (E-mail to news@therecord live.com or call 409-735-5303 to help celebrate an anniversary or birthday.)


Red Hebert, him, stayed all night drinking at the Midway

Lounge in Abbeville. Finally, Slim, the bartender, told

Red, “You got to go you, because it’s time to close da bar.

Red say OK, and he stands up to leave and falls on da floor. Red lay dere awhile den he figure he’ll crawl outside and get some fresh air, and maybe dat will sober him up. Once outside, Red stands up and falls flat on his face. So he jus crawl him. He crawl da four or tree blocks home. Wen he got to his door, he stands up an falls flat again, so he crawl in da house. Wen he reaches his bed he try to stand up again. Dis time, he falls right into his bed and falls sound asleep him. Da next morning his wife, Estelle, wake him up standing over him shouting, “Red, you lying Cajun, you have been out getting drunk again.” Red rubbed his bloodshot eyes and ax, “How you know dat, Hon?” Don’t hon me, da Midway Bar called and said you left your wheelchair dere again.”


Father Jim Sichko, a West Orange-Stark High graduate who grew up here, is making headlines again. The Catholic priest has been designated by the Pope as a missionary of mercy. He raises donations to help others. For more than a decade, he has lived in Kentucky. When floods devastated Eastern Kentucky last week, he jumped into action by posting a "wish list" on Amazon for supplies the residents would need. He's become an expert on that. He helped out with several truckloads of goods to Orange County residents and schools after Hurricane Harvey five years ago. Word of his good works has spread through the years and it didn't take long for Amazon packages to fill his two-car garage plus yard. The University of Kentucky football team even came out to help move boxes for sorting and distribution. Tuesday, Father Jim set out with truckloads of goods to the little town of Isom. He had a briefcase with $20,000 handcuffed to his arm. His first stop was at the Isom grocery store, which had been under six feet of water. The store is locally owned there and the heart of the community. He gave the cash to the owners and thousands of dollars in gift cards to the employees. Opening the store will go a long way to helping the spirit of the community recover. *****Well, my time is up, thanks for yours. Read us cover to cover, shop our family of advertisers and also check us out on the web at therecordlive.com. Take care and God bless.--


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