Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


The Wednesday Lunch Bunch, after being exiled by COVID for two years, will again start gathering each Wednesday noon at Robert’s Restaurant starting January 25. Before the pandemic ran the Bunch off to the house we had enjoyed 28 years of fellowship. No dues to pay, come and go as you wish. Over the years I bonded with some of the finest people I’ve ever know, many are gone now but many remain from all walks of life and different vocations. Everyone is welcome from throughout the county. For the most part, everyone who takes time to break bread together are community minded folks who like to keep up with what is happening and sharing ideas but also to enjoy each others company one hour a week. Once you attend, you will look forward to each Wednesday noon and a lot of smiling faces. When the Bunch started 30 years ago, it was just Judge Grover Halliburton, Judge Claude Wimberly, Roy Dunn and Rev. Leo Anderson, then over the years hundreds have come on board, all great folks. Each week I will try to give you an update as to what went on, who attended. See you soon. Y’all come.


We were indeed sad to learn of the death of Judy Gail Smith Sneed, of Bridge City, who died at the young age of 63 on January 15. Funeral service was held Friday, January 20. Our condolences to husband Clyde, children and family and to Judy’s siblings and her large Smith family. May she rest in peace.


Nancy McWhorter passed away on January 2, in Bossier City. She was born in Galveston and lived in Bridge City before she moved away. She was a retired nurse from Texaco. From 1994 to 2016, Nancy, who had a passion for cooking, ran a recipe column in The Record Newspapers. She also wrote cooking articles for other publications. Nancy is survived by several children, including step-children and grandchildren. Her daughter Lori and husband Bryan Rasberry live in Bridge City. Nancy, over the years, was one of our favorite people at The Record and our readers loved her columns.


10 Years Ago-2013

Barack H. Obama made history in 2008 by becoming the

first African American to become United States President. On Jan. 21, 2013, on the day that would have been Martin Luther King’s 84th birthday, President Obama was sworn in for a second term. He and Vice-President Biden’s inauguration drew over a million people. Obama’s first inauguration four years earlier made Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream real. Four years earlier President Obama expressed grim resolve to overcome an economic crisis that had driven the U.S. into a deep recession and a military strapped with two wars. Obama, after taking the oath of office Monday for his second term, predicted that a resilient nation that has endured a series of crisis will emerge stronger if leaders can work together for progress. For the 57th time the oath had been administered. Obama is the 44th president. The oath was given by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Obama placed his left hand on two Bibles, Martin Luther King’s and President Abraham Lincoln’s. Vice- President Joe Biden was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic ever to administer an inaugural oath. *****Making sports history, the Super Bowl, for the first time, will pit two brothers, Jim and John Harbaugh, coaching against each other. Jim, with the 49ers, and John, with the Ravens, setting the stage for the biggest rally in NFL championship game history. The San Francisco 49ers overcame a 17-0 deficit to beat Matt Bryant, of Bridge City and the Atlanta Falcons, 28-24. Local Bryant fans had hoped to see him in the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, Coach John Harbaugh and Ray Lewis’ Baltimore Ravens beat Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, 28-13 to claim the AFL championship. The sibling rivalry will come to a head when they clash in the Super Bowl on Feb. 3, at New Orleans.***** In recent years an average of 31,536 people in America have died annually from gun violence. More in one year than in all wars and it continues to grow. Of that number, 18,783 killed themselves, 11,583 were murdered, 584 were killed accidentally, 334 were killed by police and 252 died, intent unknown. Americans, as polls increasingly suggest, say they want reasonable, effective new weapons restrictions. Interest spikes after a terrible incident like the slaughter of children and before those against change, the forces of delay and defeat, mobilize and the tears dry. I doubt you can ever cut down on mass killings there are just too many guns. However, the biggest misconception is that the government will take your guns. It’s even foolish to think so but the merchants of fear will keep pitching it to those weak enough to buy into the scare tactic. (Editor’s note: 2023: To date there has been 35 mass shootings this year, two in the last few days, 18 killed many wounded and we are just in the first month.)***** The Lunch Bunch dined at Robert’s last Wednesday. Judge Janice was able to make it but still wasn’t 100 percent. She had been battling pneumonia. Chief Jerry Wimberly also was in attendance. He has had one chemo treatment and is due another this week. So far, chemo hasn’t made him sick; if it does he says he’ll be looking for marijuana. I’m not sure he was joking. New constable David Cagle joined the Bunch. Shirley Zimmerman and Bobby Fillyaw had to rush off to meet the delivery of the new Economic Development magazine. Marlene Merritt still can’t wear a shoe but she has been released to drive.

20 Years Ago-2003

On Jan. 20, Matt Bryant’s number 99 was retired at Bridge City High. Mark Dunn writes a good story on Matt, his dad and mom and the Bryant family and their contribution to Bridge City.*****Former Port Arthur Thomas Jefferson quarterback, Craig Stump, has been let go as a coach at Mississippi State by his former Aggie coach Jackie Sherrill. Stump is expected to be named head coach at 4-A Lockhart. ***** All of Bridge City was pulling for native son Jason Mathews and the Tennessee Titans to make it to the Super Bowl but that didn’t happen; Oakland won 41-24 to advance. *****Aimee Fuller is the new television anchor on Channel 4, along with Albert Zipp. She replaces Lisa Pinto of Orange, daughter of former city manager Chuck Pinto. (Editor’s note: What happened to all of those people anyway?)*****I thought it might be interesting to see what was happening in different years in Orange County’s past. In 1958, 65 years ago, commissioner’s court passed a resolution to call the Neches river bridge the “Port Arthur/Orange Rainbow Bridge.”***Jessie Stephens bought Border Motor Company and named it Stephens Buick. ***The Jack Tar Hotel held a first anniversary celebration. *****In 1948, 75 years ago, Chester Holts announced candidacy for sheriff. ***Last week, Jan. 16, KOGT radio started daily broadcasting. The first signal went out in the predawn hours with veteran announcer Sam Leavitt at the mike. ***KFDM radio built a $190,000 tower transmitter north of Bridge City.*****In 1923, 100 years ago, the Orange Lions Club held it’s charter meeting with 25 charter members.

45 Years Ago-1978

Roger Staubach vs. Graig Morton. The Dallas Cowboy and the Cinderella Denver Broncos will meet in Super Bowl XII. *****Orange native R.C. Slocum accepts the position as linebacker coach at Ole Miss. He got frustrated as the end coach for A&M, a team that doesn’t pass.*****County Attorney Jim Sharon Bearden, in order to solve and bring to justice a rash of pending crimes, has hired Wilson Roberts, former Bridge City police chief, as an investigator. Roberts joins Linnes Hubbard and J.W. “Kid” Henry, investigators for the district attorney’s office. Bearden is turning up the heat on criminals.


John Burton was the first man to own and operate a cotton gin near Orange. Burton also owned and operated the first syrup mill, made by David Harmon, son of Orange County’s first white settler, John Harmon. Burton also cut the first ditch that shortened the distance by five miles from Orange to the mouth of the Sabine, known as the “Cut Off.” Many of John Burton’s offspring still live in Orange County. One is former County Commissioner Owen Burton.*****The first section of the sewer system was laid on Green Avenue in 1902.*****The first stockmen to introduce Brahma cattle in the county were John Turner and John Bland, who ranched on the south side of Cow Bayou, now known as Bridge City. Turner’s land is what is now known as Dunn’s Bluff. *****The first automobile owned in Orange County was a 1903 Ford, “The Red Devil,” bought in New Orleans by E.W. Brown.


Longtime Assistant District Attorney Krispen Walker has announced she will run for Orange County Attorney/District Attorney in 2024, which means John Kimbrough, her boss, will not be running. Kimbrough was elected in 1992 when he beat the incumbent and is now serving his eighth term. He comes close to being the longest-serving elected official in county history. If he serves until his current term expires on January 1, 2025, he will have served 32 years. State District Judge Buddie Hahn, who was first appointed to by Governor Mark White to replace Judge Don Burgess, who was elected to a state court of appeals. Hahn was 260th District Judge for 33 1/2 years. Political season for 2024 is active. Attorney Rodney Townsend has announced he's running for judge of the county court-at-law seat that will be vacated when Troy Johnson retires. Local lawyers here rarely run against an incumbent for judge or county/district attorney.*****Lots of red jackets were out Monday night for the annual Bridge City Chamber of Commerce banquet. The Chamber Ambassadors wear the jackets, including Candace Mulhollan, who was surprised to be named "ambassador of the year." Kirk Ellender got some zingers in as he once again emceed the event. He's becoming quite the pro at the job. County Judge John Gothia, a Bridge City resident, was working the crowd as only he can do. Citizen of the Year Cil Dixon said she was undeserving of the award, but all it takes is a look at her accomplishments to learn why she was honored. All but one of her children were there, except for the expectant mother-to-be. Judice's on Texas Avenue catered the even with jambalaya, Cajun pasta, green beans, and salad. It was a festive and fun event at the Bridge City Community Center.*****Former Orange resident Joel Robins is finishing his extensive research on the history of Orange High-Stark High football. He was known as "Joey" when he played quarterback for the Stark Tigers in the 1960s and has been spending his retirement researching the history through newspaper microfilm and old yearbooks, one dating back to 1917. The first high school football team in Orange was back in 1909. He's found that the only undefeated team was in 1924. Of course he's learned about the saga with Coach Dexter Shelley and the history of players like Bohn Hilliard, Taro Kishi, Ox Emerson, and many, many others.***** Mindy and Robert Currie were vacationing in Puerto Morelos, Mexico, recently. They've been traveling a bit lately. David C. Claybar of the Old Orange Cafe got a chance to catch more than redfish and speckled trout on Sabine Lake. He went deepsea fishing for marlin and the other big ones on a trip with the Tropic Star Lodge. Papal missionary Father Jim Sichko visited his Fruit City hometown in between preaching engagements and had a chance for an early birthday celebration. He turns 56 on February 2. Of course his sister, Thereze was there along with Gina and Skipper Yeaman at the Seafood Palace in Lake Charles.*****Jami and Stephen Lee recently celebrated a wedding anniversary. They may have moved to Beaumont, but they keep their Orange ties close.***** Birthdays this week had Don Futch turning 96 and  Curtis Sonnier hitting 70. Others celebrating recently included  Josie Jefferson, Reid Carthers, Maggie Jackson, Cecelia Pillsbury, Myrna Trahan, Rita Monson, and retired sheriff's deputy Janois Grizzaffi.

Looking for used air conditioner. I would like to find a 3 or 4 ton outdoor air conditioner. If you or someone you know has one that they no longer have use for. Will pay reasonable price. Please call 409-886-7183 with info.


A few folks we know celebrating their birthday. Jan. 25: Longtime friend, historian Roy McDaniel, turns 98, Taylor Thompson celebrates his 31st.*****Jan. 26: A special lady, Nancy Vincent, celebrates. I wonder if she is still around. She and the late Ray Trahan were great buddies.*****Jan. 27: Leland Clay Gros turns 14. He’s “GeeGee,” Karen Gros’ grandson and Roy and Phyl’s great-grandson. He is the son of Garette Clay Gros. His mom is Brittney Stilwell. Happy Birthday Leland.*****Jan. 28: Rosalie Clark celebrates today. A day she shared with her late twin sister Mary Ann Scofield. Pat Jr’s twin boys celebrate also on their grandmother Rosalie’s birthday. Also celebrating is a special friend Mary Stanton. I never see her but think of her often. Happy Birthday also to Justin Gearhart, Colin Briggs and Bill Dixon, former coach and now Bridge City Municipal Judge.*****Jan. 29: Pretty Devra Cormier, Bobby’s better half, celebrates today. Celebrating today also is Wyman Ogden, Paula Perkins, Tracy Addison and Cailyn Eubanks.*****Jan. 30: Happy Birthday to Brenda Dubose, Jason Myers, Jeanie Kreger, Shirley Jordan and Chuck Rowley.*****Jan. 31: Skipper’s little boy Scott Free celebrates today as does Lily Fields, Marty Delano, Eric Mangham, Ron Mason, and Lucas Adams.


This week in 1977 the television mini series Roots, based on the Alex Haley novel, began airing on ABC. Its rating reached an all time high. Can you believe if you are 50 years old or younger you won’t remember it.*****One of history’s most important moments occurred Jan. 23, 1932, 91 years ago, saving our country from the great depression. New York Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt announced as a democratic candidate for president of the United States. He was elected in 1933.*****The fastest Corvette, ever made is the E-Ray V8. The first all wheel drive is a gas/electric hybrid. It will be out in a few months. The $104,000 E-Ray jerks your head back as it goes from Zero to 60 mph in 2.5 seconds. It covers a quarter mile in 10.5 seconds. Its front wheels run on a battery.*****Janis Lyn Joplin was born on January 19, 1943, 80 years ago, in Port Arthur. In August 17, 1947, she, her parents and two young siblings made their home at 4330-32nd St. The home is now marked with a historical marker.*****“Moon and the Stars” pays tribute to the late, great singer/songwriter Moon Mullican. Johnny Nicholas will release his new album January 27. Moon was born near Corrigan, Texas in 1909 and died in Beaumont in 1967. Moon made his home in Nederland. He collaborated with Hank Williams on “Jambalaya.” Gordon Baxter swore Moon and Hank Williams used the name of his radio show to write that song. When Gordon came on the air, he started his program with “This is Barefoot Bax, welcome to the Jamablaya, Crawfish Pie, File Gumbo show.” Some believe that Moon wrote Jimmie Davis’ song, “You Are My Sunshine,” that many of us grew up singing as our first song. Moon was a great song writer and piano player. He wrote western swing, blues, Boggie-Woogie and honky-tonk from 1930 to the 1960’s, Moon is buried in Beaumont’s Magnolia cemetery that features an historical marker.


Tee-Neg Breaux, my cousin Sostan’s boy, ain’t so bright him. It runs in da family, being a couple marbles short. Anyhow, Tee-Neg, him, and dis gal were locked in a

clinch in de front seat of her car. She wisper in his ear, “Cher, Tee-Neg, you wanna go in de back seat?” “Mais, no,” Tee-Neg reply. A few minutes later she aks him again, “Tee-Neg, you wanna get in de back seat now?” “No,” he say, “Me, I wanna stay in de front seat wit’ you,


Another time Tee-Neg was hitch-hiking from Lafayette

to Texas to visit a cousin in Vidor. A man in a big Lincoln

Continental pick him up. Tee-Neg, him, he notice a bunch

of golf tees on de front seat. He say, “Hey, Mister, w’at dem t’ings dere for?” De Texas man, him, he say, “Well, those hold my balls while I drive.” “Kee-yaw!” Tee-Neg blurted out, “Dem Lincoln Contiminual, dem, dey have every’ing, hanh?”



No president since Lyndon Johnson has accomplished so much in his first two years in office. Biden did it the hard way. He pushed through key legislation with a small majority in the House and a tiny margin in the Senate. Biden’s first big accomplishment was the passage of the American Rescue plan which was to protect from the effects of the pandemic and quickly get the economy back to full employment which now stands at its lowest unemployment ever. The American Rescue plan succeeded in producing rapid growth. It also put a lot of money in household’s bank accounts. It also provided the money for a quick rollout for COVID vaccines. Biden then got through a bi-partisan infrastructure modernizations bill. A trillion dollars for road and bridges that also included funds to ensure everyone has clean drinking water and access to high speed internet. Biden scored another bi-partisan victory when he got congress to pass the CHIPS Act. Perhaps his most important legislation victory was the Inflation Act, a far reaching bill lowering prescription drug prices. In the case of drugs we are moving away from a world where we give drug companies patent monopolies to charge whatever they want. Most importantly Biden has all the big auto manufacturers commit to a roll out of electric vehicles and leading chip manufactures have announced plans to build plants in the United States. There will be no turning back. Few presidents, if any, has accomplished more than President Biden in such a short time. Why then does the question remain of why people think the economy is doing poorly if all the economic data, jobs, wages, income, looks positive? It’s the endless negativity in some media that is likely the largest part of the story. The same media that earlier put our false misinformation about Biden’s mental health, accusing him of dementia, etc. Many people bought into it. Economists look at what people do, not what they say. We see people buying houses, cars, appliances and other big ticket items like never before. Also they go to restaurants far more than before the pandemic. Regardless of what people tell pollsters, they all tell us with their actions that they feel pretty good about the economy. They are making more and spending more. Joe Biden deserves much of the credit. That we can’t deny.*****Remember, you can’t buy better local advertising, two papers, The Penny Record and The County Record, for the price of one. More reach for your buck. To advertise call 409-886-7183.*****Read us cover to cover and please patronize our family of advertisers. My time is up but I thank you for yours and for making us the best read publications in Orange County. Take care and God bless.


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