Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Bridge City Council once again searches for city manager

It's deja vu all over again for the Bridge City City Council. Once again, the council is looking for a new city manager.

Mayor David Rutledge said Brent Walker resigned from the job after serving only "a year and six days."

"He went to a smaller town for bigger money," Rutledge said. "He came in and we provided a good stepping stone."

Bridge City was Walker's first city manager job. Previously, he had worked as the assistant city manager and finance director for Dalhart in the Texas Panhandle by the Oklahoma border. Mayor Rutledge said Walker is going to a city in the Houston metropolitan area.

Bridge City is also looking for a new finance director. Karen Morgan retired from the job in 2022 after 26 years with the city. Mayor Rutledge said Shelly Fields was hired in the position, but she resigned after Walker resigned.

The council appointed Public Works Director Mike Lund as interim city manager. Rutledge said public works is a major part of the city government and he is familiar with it. The mayor said Lund is learning about the finances and administrative duties needed for the position.

The city is advertising for the vacancies through the Texas Municipal League and online job search sites. One posting said the city manager job will pay $110,000 to $113,000 a year.

The city had gone a while without needing a search for city manager. Jerry Jones, a longtime city public works director, was hired to the position in 2008 and served until he retired last year. The mayor said Jones worked 26 years for the city.

The Jones years included him leading the city in recovery after hurricanes, including the devastating Hurricane Ike, which sent a storm surge that flooded almost the whole city.


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