Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Stage 2: Moderate Water Shortage Conditions

The City of Orange has initiated Stage 2 of the Drought Contingency Plan. Stage 2 water restrictions are MANDATORY, and expand the voluntary Stage 1 restrictions to include other non-essential water usage regarding:

• Washing vehicles, except for commercial car washes and service stations

• Filling swimming pools and operating ornamental fountains

• Serving water at restaurants, except upon request

• Power washing, wash downs, dust control, and flushing gutters


City of Orange Mayor Spears stated “Ensuring the safety of the community as a whole is our number one priority! Our region has experienced several incidents surrounding wildfires, loss of property, and potentially threatened the loss of life. We are taking action to protect our residents and to ensure that we are prepared to respond appropriately if any inclement situation occurs. Thank you for your understanding and God bless!”

For a comprehensive list of the mandatory water use restrictions, read the Drought Contingency Plan here:  orangetexas.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1905/Drought-Contingency-Plan-PDF


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