Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


In a nearly unanimous vote, the leaders of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) approved a resolution Saturday calling on the speaker of the Texas House, Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, to resign. Phelan has no plans to resign. He remains resolute in his support for impeaching Paxton, whom he continues to argue is corrupt. He issued a statement after the Senate voted to acquit Paxton, saying the Senate didn’t do its job and the process of Republican senators voting to acquit “appears to have been orchestrated from the start, cheating the people of Texas of justice.” Phelan, the Texas Speaker of the House, wrote an op-ed in the Beaumont Enterprise on September 22, 2023. In his op-ed, he criticized the Texas Senate’s impeachment vote against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Phelan believed that the Senate allowed politics to prevail over principles and failed to enforce key subpoenas that would have led to important evidence coming to light in the trial He also mentioned that he joined 120 of his colleagues in the Texas House of Representatives in voting to impeach Paxton earlier this year. I stand by that vote, and I stand by the belief that Paxton’s conduct is beneath the office he holds. The evidence speaks for itself. When the Senate trial began, I had full faith that the evidence and the process would allow the truth to prevail. I believed the Senate and its presiding officer would be so overwhelmed by Paxton’s repeated and apparent abuses of office that they would agree he should no longer serve as our state’s top cop. Imagine my disappointment when it became clear the Senate would allow politics to prevail over principles. In hindsight, no one should be surprised. The warning signs were there. In an op-ed Phalan wrote, “Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who led us to believe he would preside over this trial in a fair and just manner, took a whopping $3 million donation from a Political Action Committee pushing for Paxton’s exoneration before the trial even began. Patrick instituted a halfhearted gag order that tied the hands of House Members, who wanted to make their case to constituents. Patrick caved to demands from Paxton that he and other key witnesses, including Paxton’s mistress, should not have to testify. Patrick neglected to enforce key subpoenas that would have led to important evidence coming to light in the trial. And after the final vote was taken, Patrick railed against the House for acting in the best interest of the state to initiate the impeachment in the first place. The whistleblowers did the right thing. The House did the right thing. And I sleep peacefully at night knowing there are still brave people in this state who are willing to speak up against corruption, even when it’s the politically challenging thing to do.”


10 Years Ago-2013

We were sorry to learn of the death of Richard Corder, Jr., age 79, who died Sept. 22, 2013. A memorial service was held at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Our heartfelt sympathy to wife Ruth, who he called “Bear” and sons Craig, Bart, Mark, Chris and their families.***** We enjoyed a nice visit Monday with U.T. All American Steve Worster and Donnie Shockley at the Express Mart. Both agree that Mack Brown’s days are numbered at U.T. In 1970 Worster was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy. The other three contenders were winner Jim Plunkett, Archie Manning and Joe Thesman. He changed his name pronunciation to Theismann to rhyme with Heisman.***** On Oct. 1, you can start signing up for the Affordable Health Care if you don’t have insurance because you were turned down for a pre-existing condition. I predict that when fully implemented three years from now the Bill will be very popular. *****Congrats to Bridge City baseball star Chase Shuggart, a junior, who has committed to play college baseball at U.T.

25 Years Ago-1998

We learned about the death of Tim McCorquodale, age 47. His grandfather, then his dad Alan, pioneered and ran Little Giant Manufacturing, known around the country. At the time of his death, he and brother Rex were running the business.*****We also were sorry to hear about the death of Don Lyons, who owned Lyon’s Music Co. Don was one of the great guys.*****Law enforcement officer Mike Edge, a 20 year veteran of Orange PD, lost his battle with liver disease on Sept. 29. He died at St. Luke’s in Houston. *****C.R. Nash, former Bridge City city manager was hired as Pinehurst Administrator. (Editor’s note: C.R. died of cancer a few years ago.)*****What a day former WO-S star Chris Cole had for the Aggies. Six receptions for 174 yards and three TD’s.*****Bridge City stars Jason Matthews started for the Tennessee Oilers Sunday while Shane Dronett started for the Atlanta Falcons. (Editor’s note: Shane took his own life a few years back. This was also when the Tenn. Oilers became the Titians).*****Everyone’s friend, insurance man Bill Nickum, was hospitalized last weekend for some kind of heart problem but is now out of ICU at St. E.*****Doak Walker, 1948 Heisman Trophy winner from SMU, died Sunday, Sept. 27, at age 71. He was an NFL All Pro and helped Detroit win two championships. He was also both a college and pro Hall of Fame winner. The three time All American stood 5 foot, 11 inches and weighed all of 173 pounds. He retired from the pros with 534 points, 34 TD’s, 183 extra points and kicked 49 field goals. The third most points in NFL history. Doak had been paralyzed in January in a skiing accident. *****Mark McGwire hits 70th homerun, shattering Babe’s and Maris records. (Editor’s note: Babe did his on whiskey, Mark on drugs.)*****Sammy Sosa hit his number 66 homerun. (Editor’s note: He did his with cork in his bat.)*****Landon Sparks celebrated 16 years on Oct. 1 and Hayden Oceguera, 4, on Sept. 28.


45 Years Aago-1978

Pope John Paul has died and will be buried as 700 million Catholics mourn the death of their second pope in less than two months. Pope John Paul died after having served only 34 days.***** Bridge City Day is coming. Sharon Gregory will reign over the parade as Miss Bridge City. A grudge baseball game will be played between Sen. Carl Parker’s crew and Roy Dunn’s Renegades. Richard Corder is commissioner to keep everything on the up and up.*****Nominees for the homecoming court at BCHS are seniors Melanie Ledoux and Sherri Van Breemen; juniors Danette Davis and Denise Soileau; sophomores Tammy Emerson and Tina Segler; and freshmen Gina Allen and Belinda Muckelrath.*****Mason Hebert and children, Gloria, Arval, Mason, Jr. and Betty, thank friends for their kindness in their loss of their wife and mother.***** BC Cardinals beat Liberty 21-6. A 26-yard pass from Rodney Johnson to Jeff Anderson put the Cards on the board first. Johnson scored the next TD. Joey Hargraves kicked the extra point in place of injured Gary Peery. Sophomore Bryan Ward scored on a one-yard plunge. Hargraves made the PAT.*****Bridge City boxers were winners at boxing meet. Junior Leger, seven-year-old, 46 pounds, jumped to the 10-yearsold 50-pound class, for the win. E.T. Laughlin, eight-year-old, 55-pound, wins by TKO. Shawn O’Dell, 10-years-old, 78 pounds, wins by third round TKO. Nathan Bendy, 112 pounds, was the big winner. He was asked to fight in the Southern U.S. Box-Off in New Orleans.


On Friday, Oct. 1, President Jimmy Carter will turn 98-years-old. He is now under Hospice care. What a great American who loves his country. Three presidents have the same MO, country first, Christians who practice their faith, married to the same wife through all the years, believe in our democracy and protecting the constitution. They are Carter, George H. Bush and Joe Biden.*****Last Wednesday Phillip Welch took his mom to her first Astro game for her birthday which she celebrated Friday.*****Sunday morning I was watching the ‘Good Taste’ show on Channel 6, sponsored by H.E.B. and Sysco Foods. They were featuring a restaurant in College Station. One of the customers was Coach R.C. Slocum, Orange native and winnest coach in A&M football history. He looked good. The last I had heard he had been facing cancer problems. I’ll have to check with Quincy, he’s in touch with R.C. *****Congratulations to Bridge City High School Homecoming Queen Raema Lyda. Her father, Chris, escorted her onto Moe Litton Field for the traditional ceremonies this past Friday. Danny Jaynes and Dr. Nina Scales Leifeste were honored this year's Distinguished Alumni Award winners. The Cardinals are renowned for their tight-knit community and alumni gathered as part of the homecoming events. The First Family of Bridge City was there. That's Becky Rutledge, president of the BCISD board of trustees, and husband, David, who is mayor of the city. Mickey Litton Gisclar is one of the most loyal alumni. The former cheerleader rarely misses an gathering. Mickey's granddaughter, Brooke Harrison, supplied some of the red and black balloon decorations. Brooke, of course, is also a BCHS alumni. You can bet Darrell Segura was there, along with Rick Bridgers.*****Everybody in Orange County these days holds their breath if talk of something "developing" in the Caribbean is mentioned. Lori Ardoin, though, is already breathing easier, even though hurricane season isn't over. Her son Heston Cheshire and Ashley Elby had a perfect tropical wedding in Mexico this weekend without a storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Planning a destination wedding like that during hurricane season is perilous for the Ardoins. Joel is Orange County Emergency Management Director and Lori is county director of personnel plus public information officer. They both have to be in the OC if there's a possibility of a storm. But, yay. No storm. Mother-of-the groom Lori was a classic redheaded beauty in her green dress. Still trying to figure out why the mother-son dance was to Merle Haggard's "Mama Tried." Joel got to relax in September for a change. Others from Orange attending the resort affair were Gina and Skipper Yeaman, plus Mark and Elaine Cook.*****Steve and Gail Maddox are back home in the Old Orange Historic District after another jaunt to Europe. This time they went took in Italian sites like Sicily and Pompeii.*****Bianca Garrett is running the highways back and forth to Brenham. Daughter T'Era has a softball scholarship to Blinn College and the proud momma makes sure she takes in the games. T'Era graduated earlier this year from WO-S, chalking up honor grades, plus being a cheerleader, softball star, volleyball starter, and prom queen. No wonder momma's proud.*****Brandi Griggs and Justin Rieson took the kids out camping, managing to catch some cool morning temperatures.*****Gary and Allisha Bonneaux are proving retirees are made to travel. Their latest adventure was in Las Vegas.*****Nancy and Cecil Byers were in Santa Fe this past weekend with daughter Sarah Sanchez. Fiddler extraordinaire Huey Buxton turned 89 this past week. He's still performing around the region, often with Britt Godwin.*****Kenny Meyers hit another milestone as he turned 70.*****Cannes Film Festival finalist who began writing at the The Record Newspapers, Penny Leleux, turned another year old. Penny is writing, acting, and producing short films that are getting attention at festivals all over. And, she's making them here. A couple of weeks ago, Jasper got certified by the state as the city finished its certification as a "Film Friendly" place. Port Arthur and Beaumont already have the certification. Orange folks have been making excuses for decades for even trying to become film friendly.*****Phyllis Fregia celebrated and probably heard daughter Aimee singing 'Happy Birthday' a number of times.*****Bobby Cormier was recognized for another trip around the sun. Danny's in Orangefield honored him with greetings and his photo on their electronic sign.*****Brodrick Harrell turned 30 and we don't know how much sleep he got, though we know he wasn't out partying. He and wife, Leigh Anne Dallas Harrell, had just brought newborn daughter Honey from the hospital.*****Others who celebrated included Jenn Pool, Robert Currie, Clay Dugas,  Paula Scott, Hunter Delcambre, Shon Jones, Asia Hilliard, Marla Dearing, Diztorsha Lavan, Ednadeen Corley, Donna Harrell,  Shirley Wood Hall, Sherry Windham, Donna Sonnier, and Brooke Harrison.*****September was a popular wedding month for Orange City Council members. Councilor Caroline Hennigan and husband Mike celebrated No. 23. Councilor Paul Burch and husband Raul also had an anniversary. Their gorgeous Old Orange Historic District home, with swimming pool, is up for sale. The neighborhood has grand live oak trees all around.*****Louis and Carole Nance welcomed another year of marriage. You can still see Louis walking at Northway Park every day.*****A couple of weeks ago, on the one rainy day we had in two months, attorney Sharon Bearden rushed to his car at quitting time, slipped on the wet running board and ended up in the emergency room with 22 stitches on his shin.*****Any county in the state would be proud to have the Speaker of the Texas House represent them. That’s how I believe Orange County citizens feel about Speaker Dade Phelan. I’ll have more about that later.*****Politics in Orange County are getting ready to kick off. I believe there will be some surprise candidates announcing and some open seats not contested. Just one candidate will file.



A few folks celebrating their big day in the coming week. Sept. 27: Hayley Dardeau, Jack Short, Michal Coffey, Todd Shuford, Jeff Batchelor all have birthdays.*****Sept. 28: Happy Birthday to Roy’s sister Fay Boudain, Cliff McCardle, Brigitte Howard, Sherry Mulhollan, Zack Sarver, Darryl Brinson, Peggy Derouen, Brigitte Howard.*****Sept. 29:Aaron Milligan, Richard Estes, Ricky Benefield, Al Goodwin, coach Bum Phillips celebrate. This would have been the late Dean Granger’s big day.*****September 30: Special Happy Birthday wishes to our own Willow Grace Billou. Also Brandon Taylor, Debbie Tutt, Robert Dale Vance, Richard Albair, Howard Fisher and Rob Strause.*****Oct. 1: Jamie Freeman, Eric Covington, Jimmy Glover, Keely Guidry, Kimberly Cooper, Meg Clark, Skylar Rowley, Brandon Gerrald, Gerald Brignac, Kenton James and Tony Lummus.*****Oct. 2: Happy Birthday to Glenn Ray, Jason Ray, Collin Stanley, Herb Spencer, Jo Bramhan.*****Oct. 3: Celebrating today are Jason Montagne, Logan Bonds, Sherry Baker, Betty Roden, Eddie Free, Judy Craig and twins Keith Staudt and Kathleen Staudt Conn.


To get a job offshore, Nonc Theriot had to go to Doc Boudreaux for a physical and health and family history. He put on his new cloths and make an appointment wit da doctor. Da doc him, feel his pulse, look in his ears and throat, check his blood pressure, den he tole Nonc to drop his britches and bend over. Doc him, with his long middle finger, probe Nonc real good inside. Den he said, “OK.”

Nonc pulled up his pants den Doc Boudreaux tole him, “I’m gonna to axe you some questions.”

“How old was your papa wen he died, him?” Nonc answer, “Oh, papa, he’s not dead him, he’s 92 and works at da feed store everyday. My grandpapa Theriot died wen he was 98, him, wen he fell off a tractor and broke his neck. My mama Agnes just turned 89, her.”

Doc Boudreaux write all dat down den he look up at Nonc and say, “You sure got some nice, good genes you.”

Nonc say, “Mai, tank you. Dey were on sale at Burke’s Outlet, I bought four pair me.”




O.A. ‘Bum’ Phillips was born on John St., in Orange, on Sept. 29, 1923. He would have celebrated his 100th birthday Friday. Bum and his family moved to Beaumont when he was 14 years old. He graduated from French High School but though those years, until he went into the service, he spent most of his spare time in Orange, where he hung out with his grandfather, Parrish, who taught him to be a cowboy. His grandfather worked for the Brown Estate and Bum helped him round up cattle, brand and dip them. Bum, a few years ago, wrote a piece about “What it Means to be a Texan.” It starts with “The Window at Big Bend, which in and of itself is proof of God. It goes to Lake Sam Rayburn where my Grandad taught me more about life than fishin, and enough about fishin to last a lifetime. I can talk about Tyler, and Longview, Odessa, Cisco, Abilene and Poteet and every place in between. Every little part of Texas feels special. Every person who ever flew the Lone Star thinks of Bandera or Victoria or Manor or wherever they call “home” as the best little part of the best state. Every time I cross the border of Texas, I say, Lord, please don’t let me die anywhere but Texas.” Bum often talked about William Barrett Travis, the Alamo, Sam Houston and the people who forged the nation and the state of Texas. Bum said, “The spirit that burned in every person who founded this great place we call Texas is passed on through blood or sweat to everyone of us. You see that spirit that made Texas alive in all of us.” Coach Phillips, had a coach son, Wade, who was also born in Orange. For a longtime it has been a source of irritation to me that nothing locally, either by our service organizations, city or county government, has ever done anything to recognize our most popular native son, who was known in every part of the country. A good, God fearing man, who has been a teacher, philosopher and a true Texan, who never forgot his birthplace, Orange County Texas. Bum died at age 90. “I’m proud to have known this great Texan. Happy Birthday ‘Coach.’*****My time is up and I thank you for yours. Please read us cover to cover and shop our family of advertisers. Check us out daily on our web at therecordlive.com. Take care and God bless.


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