Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Altar Society of Saint Mary Catholic Church Gumbo and Gift Shop

The Altar Society of Saint Mary Catholic Church is holding its Annual Gumbo & Gift Shop on Saturday, November 11th, from

10 am to 3 pm in the Parish Hall, at 912 West Cherry St., Orange.

The Gumbo Luncheon, prepared by the Altar Society ladies, will be $10 and served from 11 AM to 1 PM. The meal is chicken and sausage gumbo, rice, potato salad, dessert, and tea. Take-out dinners are also available. Orders can be delivered to your business on November 9th by calling Patricia Daleo at

409-656-9259 to place an order.

The “Gift Shop” will also sell Homemade Baked and Frozen Foods, Crafts and more. A Silent Auction will be held from

10AM to 1PM showcasing many amazing Gift Baskets. There will be Raffle Tickets to purchase also for a set of Dallas Cowboy rockers with small table, a super charger for your vehicle and 2 tickets to “Annie” at the Lutcher Theater.

When the Church first was established in 1880, the altar needs of the Church were handled by the nuns from Beaumont. They came by buggy and horseback weekly to make sure the altar was readied for services. The trip over the Neches River by ferry and through the swamps was not a pleasant journey for the nuns, therefore they interested local Catholic women in taking up this work. The Altar Society was first organized by two Dominican nuns. They soon taught the ladies of Saint Mary how to properly ready the Church for the Mass. Hence, the Saint Mary Altar Society was created around 1883. At present there are approximately 100 members in the St. Mary Altar Society.

The Altar Society sees that the Church is cleaned, candles in place, Communion bread and wine available, Baptisms and funerals prepared for, and proper cloths and vestments are clean.

Their money from the Gift Shop buys all of these things and has purchased much more, such as stained-glass windows for the chapel, new church doors, and makes many charitable donations.

Come and enjoy a delicious lunch and fellowship. Bring a friend.


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