Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Dickie Colburn "a guide's guide"

Anybody from our part of the world who fishes has in some way been influenced by the man everyone referred to as "Dickie", he cut a wide path and will forever be remembered for his exploits both on and off the water. I can honestly say his influence on my life was a big reason for many of the good things that have happened to me personally and professionally. As a young aspiring guide, I clung to his every word, from his weekly column in The Record Newspapers, on the therecordlive.com and to his segment on KOGT's "Let's Go Fishing" show, what dickie said was gospel.

I remember the first real conversation we had, I was just starting to guide locally, and I happened to be fishing with a less than desirable crowd at the time. Dickie pulled me aside and said "Son, I know your family and you were brought up better than this" as he gave me that stare that only he could give. "You need to remember that a man only has his name and what he stands for, no amount of money can change either". It wasn't long after that we began to share a boat together and I never stopped learning from him after that. The countless lessons he shared with me about situations on the water, how to handle customers, and many other things were the cornerstone that helped shaped my business and many of my beliefs.

Dickie and I spoke regularly, and I routinely asked him for advice on all manner of things. He was beyond all other things a devout Christian and family man who truly practiced what he preached. Dickie was adamant about his belief that family came before anything else, he loved his wife Karen more than anything and would tell stories from time to time about how she kept him in line. In one of his more memorable talks with me at his kitchen table he said, "If I ever find out you skipped a family event, one of Hunter's ballgames or anything like that to go guide you and I will have problems" and he meant it. I loved him for caring so much and treating me like his own, his guidance was immeasurable to say the least.



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