Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Guillory running for WOCCISD Board

I am Erick Guillory Sr., and I am running for West Orange Consolidated Cove Independent School District Board (WOCCISD). I am running because I value education and believe in the ideals of service. For many years I have dedicate my time to programs like Lil Mustangs and others. I support and understand the ethical, social, and economic impact of education to our community and its value to families.

As a '1989 West Orange Stark graduate and parent who has raised two children in WOCCISD public school district, I am proud of the many strengths and achievements of my children. At the same time, I am aware of the many changes, concerns and suggestions that you do have as parents, educators and community members.

I want to be a part of the solution. I strongly believe a different perspective can be conducive to creative solutions. As a board member elected by you, and representing you, I will encourage dialogue between educators, parents and board members. I will work hard to find common ground when dealing with various opinions. I will work harmoniously with other board members for improvement throughout the district.

I believe the long-term vision of a school board should be to provide leadership and ways to assist students of diverse backgrounds and different abilities and needs all reach their full potential. I ask for your vote so that I can be your voice. Please share with me your vision for WOCCISD and I will do my part to make sure we are all held accountable and that your taxes are spent wisely. I promise to serve our district with dignity and respect. Your VOTE is your VOICE, so I am asking you to go to the polls and vote for me, Erick Guillory Sr., a candidate that truly cares about our future.


Erick Guillory Sr.


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