Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Dove season set to crank up and officially start hunting season

The easy north wind has already begun to work magic on local hunters as they eagerly await the September 1 opener of dove season here in Texas. North Zone hunters as well as Central Zone hunters will enjoy a few weeks of hunting before those of us south of IH-10 get into the mix of things on the 14th. So far the days leading up to the opener have been filled with some goofy weather that always seems to make an appearance before the season starts. For the past several seasons there have been some heavy rains wash out the dove opener and leave anxious hunters cursing the weatherman. The late August and early September time frame always lends itself to crazy weather thanks to tropical storms and an unstable Gulf of Mexico. Nothing ruins a hunt like weather coming through an area and pushing fields full of birds to other parts of the county or even state for that matter. As of this writing our side of the Gulf of Mexico appears to be quiet and the weather pattern for the next five days seems pretty solid so maybe we will get a break.

If you plan to hit a dove field for opening day there are several things you need to be aware of and prepare for, some of these can be the difference between an enjoyable day afield or just plain misery. Probably the number one concern this time of year is heat, both for a hunter and their dog. A well stocked hunting bag or dove bucket will certainly include an ample supply of water. This is often the first journey outdoors for some hunters and they may not be in “hunting shape” so overheating is always a possibility. The same goes if you bring a dog, if they have not been working or training in the heat during the summer months they also may not be in the best shape so owners need to take precautions and be prepared.


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